Who We Are
The League of Women Voters of the Greater Princeton Area (LWV-GPA), comprised of members from Princeton, Cranbury, East Windsor, Hightstown, Montgomery, Plainsboro, Robbinsville, Rocky Hill, South Brunswick, and West Windsor, is a nonpartisan political organization.
We encourage informed and active voter participation in government, work to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influence public policy through education and advocacy.
Municipalities covered by LWV-GPA (shaded in gray)
League Meetings
Monthly membership meetings are on Second Wednesdays at 7:00 - 8:00 pm.
NOTE: Meetings are hybrid starting in October.
In Person meetings are in Room AD121 on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college. Contact us at lwvprinceton@gmail.com for the Zoom link.
Join Our Next Meeting
Wed, Mar 12
Chapter spot Checkup
Reparations survey discussion
Federal Judiciary survey questions
Events and Volunteer Opportunities
Want to help us spread the message to vote and defend democracy, even if you are not a member?
Need volunteer hours? Volunteer at our events by emailing the contact below!
Date/Time Event For information, Please Contact
Mar 12 Membership Meeting LWVprinceton@gmail.com
April 9 Membership Meeting LWVprinceton@gmail.com
May 14 Membership Meeting LWVprinceton@gmail.com
Jun 6-7 LWV NJ State Convention
June 11 Membership Meeting LWVprinceton@gmail.com
October 19, A big thank you to Mercer County Superintendent of Elections, Walker Worthy, and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello, and their staff presented a voting machine demo for Mercer County Association of the Blind.
Voter Registration day at BAPS temple in Robbinsville
Tribute to Ingrid Reed
Long time Princeton Area League member and pillar of the community, Ingrid Reed, passed away July 27, 2024.
Since the 1960’s, Ingrid has been a dedicated member of the League of Women Voters. Ingrid spent her life dedicated to improving our democracy and increasing civic engagement. She was always an inspiration, a mentor, and most of all a friend for so many generations of League members.
We were fortunate to have known her, and to have benefited from her dedication, wisdom, and guidance.
Thank you, Ingrid
Senator Cory Booker
US Citizenship and Immigration Services - Central NJ District Office in Cranbury, NJ
The Senator joined the naturalization ceremony in the Central NJ District office on August 8, 2024 and welcomed our newest citizens. His presentation was inspiring and encouraging as he suggested that asking people for tolerance towards each other is too low a bar; we need to reach higher and love our neighbors.
What do YOU think?
Do you want to be politically informed?
Do you want to help voters be well informed?
Do you want to see more government transparency and less corruption?
Do you think young people deserve greater representation?
Would you like to discuss, study, and debate policy issues that directly affect your community?
Would you like to become an effective leader and community organizer?
If you agree, then: